Call for Papers
Special Issue of The Global South: “Radio Cultures of the Global South”
Deadline for abstract submissions: 1 June 2019
This special issue of The Global South asks how the rise and persistent relevance of radio has shaped and been shaped by the cultures of the Global South over the past century and more. What art forms, social practices, political movements, and linguistic effects emerged through the radio speakers of the Global South? How have creators and consumers harnessed this medium and its expressive possibilities? What roles has radio played in the broader cultural histories of the Global South? Here, the “Global South” is used as a flexible descriptor that names not only nations and lands of the southern hemisphere, but other regions radically affected by the pressures of imperialism, globalization, and unequal development.
This issue is slated for publication in Spring 2022, so contributors should have ample time to draft their full essays. Please send abstracts of up to 500 words (in MLA style), along with a 100-word biographical statement, to guest editor Ian Whittington, at, by 1 June 2019.
Possible topics include:
• Radio genres of the Global South: new, radiogenic forms of drama, music, documentary, sound art, sports, and other programming
• Political and military uses of radio: propaganda, espionage, diplomacy
• Listeners as radio practitioners: audience practices, CB culture, fan culture
• Intermedial relations: radio in relation to print, stage, television, film, digital media, sound recording, and other media
• Languages of radio: pronunciation, accent, dialect, polyglotism
• Resistant radio: protest, censorship, pirate radio
• North-South connections: radio as a medium of imperial extension, globalization, and outreach
• Post-radio: podcasting and the Global South