CFPs for Global South panels at MLA 2019 (Chicago):

Waste, Garbage, and Effluence in the Global South
Forum: CLCS Global South
Encounters with waste in narratives both historical and contemporary welcomed. Possible entanglements include animality, comparative modernities, labor and the environment. Abstracts of 300 words by 15 March 2018; Rosemary J. Jolly (

Afro-Asian Imaginaries and New/Old Imperialisms II
Forum: CLCS Global South
Continuing from the 2018 convention, talks on the political, economic, social, and aesthetic exchanges across the Indian Ocean in historical/contemporary times. 300-word abstracts by 15 March 2018; Duncan Yoon ( and Sean Kennedy (

Alignment after Alignment: Speculative Futurities and Utopia(s) Post-1989
Forum: CLCS Global South with LLC Russian and Eurasian
Papers on post-Cold War transnational collective/political imaginaries, attending to race/ethnicity and (dis)location in the era of (so-called) global totality. 250-word abstract and bio by 9 March 2018; Magali Armillas-Tiseyra ( and Leah Feldman (

The Global South Novel
Presentations that analyze novels through a Global South or South-South perspective. Hosted by the Society for Novel Studies. Abstracts, 300 word max. by 15 March 2018; Anne Garland Mahler (