We are soliciting contributions to Global South Studies: A Collective Publication withThe Global South.
We welcome submission of critical entries on a key concept, moment, thinker, or issue central to Global South Studies. Entries should be approximately 1,500-2,500 words, accompanied by a bibliography and author bio (250 words). All entries should follow the Chicago Author-Date citation system. We can accommodate graphics, images, and videos that are covered under fair use. Articles are indexed through MLA International Bibliography.
Because the of the nature and aims of this platform, we recommend that you take a look at entries currently on the site before crafting your proposal and/or essay.
The goal of this platform is to provide a guide to key concepts, moments, thinkers, and issues in the field. Entries should therefore have a generalist and introductory bent. This means that essays should be written for audiences with a wide range of disciplinary and critical backgrounds not necessarily familiar with the topic nor clear on how it connects to Global South Studies. While we will occasionally publish entries with a narrow focus, the topics and terms we highlight on this site are intended to form part of a shared set of reference points for people working in the field of Global South Studies. We are also a “born-digital” publication, which means that while entries can run long, key information must be foregrounded for a digital reader.
The following are suggestions for how to structure an entry:
- The opening paragraph must include a clear definition/description/outline of the topic and posit its relationship/relevance to Global South Studies.
- Subsequent paragraphs will develop these ideas in greater depth, adding new information as necessary, but the key pieces should all be at the top of the entry.
- Although entries are brief, subheadings are a useful tool for creating a conceptual “map” of the entry for your reader.
- Short, single-topic paragraphs are a much more effective tool for conveying information in the digital format than the more complex structures typical of academic writing.
- While we do include endnotes, these should be limited in number and informative (e.g. background on a concept) rather than discursive (e.g. development of an idea or line of argument that did not make it into the body of the text); lists of relevant works should be moved from the endnotes to the bibliography.
- A bibliography, rather than works cited, with or without subheadings, can also serve as a useful means to convey information, background, or connections that did not make it into or were not developed in depth in the entry itself.
How To Contribute:
Send a brief abstract and bio here, and we will get back with you.
Suggestions of potential topics for key articles include (but are not limited to) the following:
*Entries on women intellectuals and activists under the key thinkers heading are especially encouraged.
Accumulation by dispossession
Bandung Conference
Bandung humanism
Black internationalism
First International Congress of Black Writers and Artists (1956)
Grassroots globalization
Neoliberal multiculturalism
Neoliberal sovereignty
Posthegemony (Jon Beasley-Murray)
Racial capitalism
Sino-Soviet split
Subaltern cosmopolitanism
Southern theory (Raewyn Connell, Jean and John Comaroff)
The Brandt Report (1980)
The South Commission (1990)
Tout-monde (Edouard Glissant)
Trait geographies versus process geographies (Arjun Appadurai)
Uneven development
World Conference Against Racism
World Social Forum
Suggestion for incorporating this project into a graduate course:
We welcome and encourage you to incorporate this project into your graduate courses. For instance, Mahler and Armillas-Tiseyra assigned critical entries in their respective graduate seminars. Students identified, researched, and wrote entries on key concepts/thinkers/moments/issues as mid-term projects with the potential possibility for publication in Global South Studies. This exercise was intended to help students consider how to frame their own research within the field of Global South Studies through articulating and understanding concepts that are foundational to it but that are also integrally relevant to other fields. Ideally, these critical definitions could easily be integrated into the literature reviews of students’ dissertations and other publications.
Please note that not all submitted entries will be accepted for publication and those accepted will likely be asked to revise their submissions.
Peer Review Policy:
Submitted articles undergo editorial screening and rigorous peer review. A limited number of select and solicited articles are reviewed by the editors alone for scholarly accuracy.
Email us here.