The MLA CLCS Global South Forum has organized three panels for the 2018 Modern Languages Association Convention in New York, NY. The details are as follows:

The World in Motion: Transnational Environmental Approaches to Forced Movements, Migrations, and Refuge Seeking
January 5, 2018, 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m., Central Park West, Sheraton
Presiding: Rosemary J. Jolly, Penn State U, University Park
1. “The Local-Global Connections in Chinese Migrant Workers’ Literature,” Xiaojing Zhou, U of the Pacific
2. “The Documented and the Undocumented: Indigenous Migrants and Refuge-Seeking Immigrants,” Basuli Deb, City U of New York

Planetary Life in the Contemporary Petrosphere
January 5, 2018 3:30–4:45 p.m., New York, Hilton
Presiding: Anne Garland Mahler, U of Virginia
1. “Cultivating the Local in Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing’s The Mushroom at the End of the World and Amitav Ghosh’s Sea of Poppies,” Stacey Balkan, Florida Atlantic U
2. “Petro-Affect: Toward a Reading of Oil’s Ubiquity in Pelo Malo, by Mariana Rondón,” María Silvia Montenegro, U of Arizona
3. “Salvage and the Accidental Future,” Jennifer Wenzel, Columbia U
4. “Petro-Politics in the Ecological Crisis of Ecuador’s Progressive Government,” Jonathan Aguirre, Princeton U

South-South Translation and the Geopolitics and Geopoetics of Circulation
January 6, 2018, 1:45–3:00 p.m., Midtown, Hilton
Presiding: Mary Louise Pratt, New York U
1. “Circulation without Translation? Truth and Reconciliation Commission Discourses between Chile and South Africa,” Loren Kruger, U of Chicago
2. “Sentimental Translation in the Global South,” Jang Wook Huh, U of Washington, Seattle
3.“A Case of Exploding Markets: Latin American and South Asian Literary Booms in a Comparative Perspective,” Roanne Kantor, Harvard U
4. “El realismo mágico in Arabic: Globalization, Best Sellers, and Other Problems in South-South Cultural Exchanges,” Eman Morsi, Dartmouth C